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코딜리티 8 본문


코딜리티 8

닉의네임 2022. 7. 23. 13:53
A non-empty array A consisting of N integers is given.

A permutation is a sequence containing each element from 1 to N once, and only once.

For example, array A such that:

    A[0] = 4
    A[1] = 1
    A[2] = 3
    A[3] = 2
is a permutation, but array A such that:

    A[0] = 4
    A[1] = 1
    A[2] = 3
is not a permutation, because value 2 is missing.

The goal is to check whether array A is a permutation.

Write a function:

class Solution { public int solution(int[] A); }

that, given an array A, returns 1 if array A is a permutation and 0 if it is not.

For example, given array A such that:

    A[0] = 4
    A[1] = 1
    A[2] = 3
    A[3] = 2
the function should return 1.

Given array A such that:

    A[0] = 4
    A[1] = 1
    A[2] = 3
the function should return 0.

Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions:

N is an integer within the range [1..100,000];
each element of array A is an integer within the range [1..1,000,000,000].


public static int solution(int[] A) {
        // write your code in Java SE 8
// write your code in Java SE 8
        int ret = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {
            if (A[i] != (i + 1)) {
                return 0;
        return ret;

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